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30 April 2019

Steve raised over £685 for Marie Curie

Steve - iBizify Director - wants to say thank you so much to everyone who has helped him raise money for Marie Curie by sponsoring him on his marathon run on 6th May.  With your generosity he has now raised a whopping £685.  This will go to helping families in their greatest time of need, providing nursing support at home to those with terminal illness – a highly valuable and essential service. 

£685 raised

"I am overwhelmed by the support and kind words – and the very generous anonymous donations too – thank you – whoever you are!!"

- Steve Munden

  01296 252 010

  Directions to iBizify Ltd, Claydon House, 1 Edison Road, Rabans Lane Industrial Area, AYLESBURY HP19 8TE

IT consultancy, support, integration, development, and cloud services

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