02 September 2014
If you are naturally a Binge learner or an Abstainer (see Are-you-a-Binger-Regular-Tippler-or-Abstainer to move to being a Regular Tippler will mean learning a few new habits.
Start by looking at your schedule and working out when you can put aside some regular time - even if its 15 minutes every Tuesday morning - block it out in your calendar now. Be warned - be realistic and honest with yourself and you have to be disciplined in making it a priority. As a binger also watch that you do not stretch your time and spend an hour or two instead of your expected 15 minutes…this will not work in the long term and is not changing your habit! If need be set up an alarm or a phone call so you have a trigger to stop.
Use the first regular slot to work out what you want to learn and break it down - So social media - is it Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter (or all 3). Technology - is it Word, Lync, OneNote, or how to use your iPad and list out the sorts of things you want to know and set some priorities. A mind map also works well to help break down a subject – concentrate on defining and documenting what you want to learn so you can revisit it easily and add to it when you need to (OneNote is great for this too).
In the next slot work out some resources - all the social media sites have some great help sections. I recommend using an application like Pocket to collect your sources as it is easy to use the browser tool to add to your resource collection when you find a useful article but don't have time to read it then. However you may also turn to books or formal courses - but note that researching which courses is a separate task. Subscribing to blogs, magazines or newsletters so there is always something in your Inbox is another way to gather resources on your subject.
During the third slot, you can start working through your resources. Target one task you would like to master and ensure you don't just read, but do the practical too - actually trying it helps the learning to stick - even if you end up deleting your efforts or only doing part of what you need to do. Part of the new habit is working out how learning can be broken down, saving progress so you can easily pick it up again next time. Save a little time at the end of the session to write some notes or cross off priorities and perhaps choose your next learning task to tackle.
Daily short tipples are ideal and will get you in the habit of building on little bits of learning, a slightly longer weekly tipple also works well if you stay focussed and stick to the time - don't be tempted to skip a week - if you have to move the time, fine but try hard not to skip it completely especially for the first few months.
If it doesn't settle down into a manageable pattern, review your schedule again and adjust the timings based on your experience so far or set some more difficult to move boundaries like learning with a friend or finding a suitable trainer and booking a course. For instance, iBizify.net can provide bespoke training on all aspects of Office 365 based on your specific requirements - either 1 to 1 or as small groups.
Finally, have fun with your learning, vary your sources, revisit what you want to learn and practice what you learn as often as you can! Let me know how you get on.
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